Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Illustration Friday - DUSTY


This weeks word for Illustration Friday was "Dusty". I decided to go with a desert scene in New Mexico for no particular reason. I thought of a desert as soon as I saw the word and felt New Mexico would be a good place. I used Photoshop CS4 and the Intuos4 tablet

Illustration Friday - DUET


For the word "Duet" I went with a song. The song is called "Stan" by Eminem which originally featured Dido. On the Grammy awards Eminem did not sing the song with Dido but instead Elton John and the performance was a hit. I used a Photoshop CS4 and the Intous4 tablet to create this piece.

Illustration Friday - TOY


This weeks word for Illustration Friday was "Toy". I know that It was probably going to be used by several people but I went with Woody from Toy Story. The movies were my favorite growing up. I used Photoshop CS4 and the Intous4 tablet to create this piece.

Illustration Friday - LAYER


This weeks word for Illustration Friday was "Layer". I had many ideas for the word but decided to stick with hockey. I decided to go with NHL hockey player Steven Stamkos and his sponsor Nike Bauer. The idea is how it showcases all of the "layers" of equipment a player has to put on. I turned it into a poster for Nike Bauer who is one of the leading manufacturers of hockey equipment.

Illustration Friday - STIR


This week for Illustration Friday I decided to go with the song "Stir It Up" by Bob Marley. It was the first thing that came to my mind when I saw the word. I then decided to remake a album cover for the song as it would appear on iTunes. The piece was done in Photoshop CS4 using the Wacom Intuos4 tablet.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Banksy Style Graffiti

Here is some artwork I did that is inspired by Banksy a British street artist.

Here is the final artwork:
Banksy Graffiti

The meaning behind this piece has to do with the American economy. On the wall there is a "National Debt Clock" which shows how much the United States as a nation are in debt. Several reason behind are behind this debt but one of the most controversial reasons is the cost of war. I decided to reference this in my piece by recreating a scene that started it all on 9/11.

Here is the work close up:
Picture 5